
monster mash

meet the big monster

and the medium monster
and the baby monster

is it just gonna be one of those days?

Just in case...I think I should brew pot number two!


JSmith5780 said...

Makes me feel a little better knowing I am not the only one to suffer in the AM!

Danielle said...

Our house has been saturated in crankiness lately! Ugh!

You're totally not alone. Remember that vid you had of the kids crying while you were making dinner? I do...cause that's my life right now. I'm hoping it's just phases...

And in the meantime Thank God for npas!


JSmith5780 said...

I want a nap! I think naps should be mandatory in the workplace!

The kids still make me play that video occasionally. They think it's funny. I point out how rude they were being to each other and me!

Danielle said...

When I was working at CapitalOne (I was the meanie in collections twisting people's arms to pay their bills :O) they were actually starting to add *cat nap* rooms. I quit before I got to use one...

My kiddos think it's funny to be naughty too. Especially Bristel...she's too cute tho!


Mama Skates said...

those r some pretty cute monsters! ;0)

Danielle said...

I am inclined to agree!