
crazy corn maze

Babu (otherwise known as J's dad) is visiting all the way from Tanzania. And since there are no distinct seasons there...and since we have three (hyper) active grand kids AND seasons here...we decided to celebrate with a trip to the corn maze.

I relented with the house arrest...so we could all bond in the labyrinth of green stalk-y-ness. I've been very strict with the ACTH home-bound mantra...but I figured it was in the fresh air so not too germy?

Yep...I'm fairly certain Trevor single-handedly broke every one of those rules.

okay so maybe not the smoking...but definitely the running...totally the throwing of the corn...the yelling...


That smile. On that baby right up there. The pure joy. The unmistakable where has this been all my life!

Made it SO worth the potential germ exposure!

Bristel grabbed my hand & held on tight...announcing that corn mazes are creepy!

Look Bibi...there's Babu!

We hugged & kissed Babu good-bye tonight. He's heading south...to visit with another son. Eventually working his way to Ohio...to spend some time with his parents. Poppy isn't feeling so well these days.

But before Babu left he smothered us with love. That's his way. He's sappy too. And he gave us the sweetest compliment that affected me. To the soul.

With his heart shining in his eyes...he told us how proud he was of how well (he feels) we're coming through this past year. This past year of crazy profound unimaginable joys & tears. Highs & lows. Stresses & sickness & lessons of unconditional love & acceptance.

I had no idea how dramatically a life could change in just a year.

But you know...I hadn't really thought about it. Not in awhile anyway. We've just been busy living. Balancing. But tonight I glanced at my husband...and couldn't help myself. My heart started choking my throat. And I realised that we're in a better place today. We're working as a team. In parenting. And life. We're connecting spiritually. We're not fighting so much anymore. ::smile:: We're less scared...and more centered. And honestly...we've had some of our happiest moments together recently. And I feel in my bones the best are somewhere up ahead.

Nope...our life is not the same. Not even close. The life He has given us is not the one we'd imagined.

But tonight...I wouldn't change a thing. Not one single thing.

'Cept maybe having Bibi & Babu closer...


Unknown said...

I wish I was closer too! Love all of you so much. . . and thanks for the pictures. I am tearing up just looking at them!! Love you bunches, Bibi

Mama Skates said...

i teared up reading that - so sweet! looks like u guys had a great time! and i'm so glad that even tho it wasn't ur plan, u're where u should b right now! :0)


Shanna Grimes said...

Awe...glad you got some time in with babu. Corn (maize) maze looks fun.

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

I read this last night, but I had too many tears in my eyes to type. The last section of your post was just beautiful. We all eventually get to that better place, but we have to go through the yucky muck to appreciate it. You got some priceless pictures. I love the first one of little Trevy running..it made me & my heart smile! Bristel is so funny! I can't believe she cut her hair. I loved the comments you left from her on our blog. What a cutie!! The corn maze looks like. We have one around here, but they closed it down last year due to the drought=dead corn. Maybe this year it will be functional.

Danielle said...

Bibi...the kids say xoxoxoxoxo!

Jen...20 mins was blast enough! *smile*

Sharon...thanks sweetie! More than ever I'm convinced that things don't just *happen*...and as crazy as it may sound to some...we have tasted *the peace that passes understanding* this past year. And we're changed because of it!

Shanna...the kiddos miss babu already!

Monica...it definately sucks in the guts of life sometimes. But I think you appreciate the beauty more afterwards. *smile* btw...I LOVE that pic of Trevy too!


Mrs. M said...

Good for you for LIVING life a little in the fresh air. That has got to be medicine for your whole family!
You're so right....Life gives us these things that we do NOT want or ask for and them something wonderful comes from it all....LOVE, more love...and can there ever be too much? Nope!