
proper introduction

I'm the nick-er type.

I just love giving people nicknames. It's fun.

The only time I use any of my children's given names...is when they're being naughty! Which lately...has been quite often! But I digress...

I've nicked all of Trevy's doctors too.

Nothin' fancy. Just whatever comes natural. Dr. Neuro. Dr. Pedi. Dr. Ortho. Dr. Boston.

I like Dr. Genes...that was cute.

I'm not even sure when I started mentally nicking him Dr. Rockstar. He's pretty much an IS hero. In fact...I hardly had my steady IS legs before I first heard his name. And one thing became clear quickly. Everybody trusts him! Especially those who've been given the privledge of seeing him in person. And further...how many Dr. Neuros make themselves accessible via email? To non-patients??? Within hours...minutes even...of clicking send???? That is amazing! He's kind of a legend...

A Rockstar. Moonlighting as a pedi neuro.


(editors tip: click the word Rockstar to read his profile)


Liz said...

You are too funny. I totally agreed with your fabulous nick for the IS guru. I too found him to be amazing at returning emails and be doesn't know me from Adam.....

I was wondering what I would call him if we do get to become his patients too. Probably something boring like his name.

But he is totally a rockstar.

Anonymous said...

He looks easy to like!


Colby said...

I stole some of your nicknames, as you can see from my site!!! I am sure you noticed! It is a GREAT way to protect identity! AND they are funny!!!!

Adesta said...

So glad to hear that he is an easy doctor to approach and deal with. Too often we find doctors that seem not to care enough if at all. He does look like a very personable doctor.

And as a side note, I never call my girls by their names either unless they are in trouble....and like yours, yes, that has been a lot lately! Something to do with the season change??? lol

blogzilly said...

I am looking forward to meeting him. In all of my travels around the net doing research and such I have only heard one negative report at all about him.

His credentials impress me and I am certainly hopeful he can lead us in a direction that the current Stooges managing his care here cannot.

Holli said...

Yep, he definitely deserves a Rockstar title!!

You'd think with all his popularity that he'd have his head floating up in the clouds...

Nope, he's the most compassionate neuro (or doctor period) we've ever met.

It's his calling and I think he knows it.

How many top-notch neuros would offer to get you coffee while you wait? Or make sure you have a ride to the airport?

He goes above and beyond his doctor responsibilities...and that email replying...eerily fast!!

KC's Warrior Mama said...

Completely agreed with the above. I love Dr. C with all of my heart! You are going to really enjoy meeting with him.
Also, sorry to hear about your poor princess. My brother did that when he was young....no fun. I hope she feels better soon. I'm sure she is just as beautiful with no teeth!
