
off to a bumpy start

Oh sheesh.

Trevy has always been Mr. Compliant.  Happy Goes Lucky.  Happy Being Trevy.

But lately we've noticed a blossoming pattern.  

He's becoming Trevy The Opinionated!  I dare you to try taking his iPad away!  According to Mrs. Speech this is a wonderful developmental milestone to behold.  To mommy & daddy however...it's becoming a parental challenge!  Just when I thought I had being Trevy's mommy down pat too! 

So when Miss. CNA  May May showed up early this morning.  To drive Trevy to school rather than taking the bus like normal.  Because today marks the first day of Trevy's pre-preschool ABA therapy.  And his routine was turned on it's head.  By yours truly. 

He was having NONE OF IT!  

None of it, I say!  

It was absolutely heart wrenching watching them drive off.  Trevy sobbing and reaching for me.  Totally not grasping our desperate attempts at explaining he was still going to school.  Saying anything we could think of to help him understand.  His communication is coming along.  But still so far to go! 

Miss. May May called a handful of minutes later (the school is literally a hop, skip and jump away!) to say she had to hold his hand the whole drive.  But once in the school he perked right up!  And was back to Happy Hungry to Learn New Things Trevy!  And sent this picture to prove it! 

blurry yes - but I think you can tell he's happy picking out a book to read!


blogzilly said...

Second attempt to post...this thing is being glitchy.

Short version:
Glad things good.

Danielle said...

Same story...just at your place! Blogger is giving me tons of tude lately!

Looooved the vid of Bennett eating! What a cute face!


Mrs. M said...

I just love Miss CNA and her pic phone. What a great relief for you to see the evidence of contentment and happiness rather than having to take her sweet word for it!:)

These developmental milestones and "phases" are really hard to go through. When people tell me it's a phase and it's really great and blah blah blah I always think, "Yeah?! I don't care, I just want to handle it in a positive way and that's not happening!!! (cause I want rum!:)"

Hang in there through this new found protest and independence stage!

Sinead said...

I could have written that. We are going through severe saparation anxiety and major meltdowns during transitions. Its quite quite horrible. I am worried about how much bad behavior she is learning at school.

Dawson said...

Love it!!