
everybody’s favorite (cheerios) mouse



So Trevy was eating a bowl of cheerios for breakfast. He lifted the spoon (trust me...not gracefully, as evidenced by the milk slosh-age!) and said, "Mickey Mouse!"
I took a peek and sure enough there were three little circles in the shape of everybody's fave mouse!
I said, "don't eat it! TREVOR…don't eat it!" as I ran to get the camera...because if this wasn't a Kodak moment, I don't know what is!



I came running back - camera poised for a quick snap.
And sure enough...Mickey had been happily chomped!



Oh well. It's still a cute story. Smile





Unknown said...

I bet he was tasty, too! ;0)

Danielle said...

Judging by the grin on Trevy's face...I think you must be right! :P
