
you might be a special needs mommy if…



your child shouts "hi" to the mature couple leaving the restaurant in front of you and the other lady turns around and greets him in return. As she does so...you see the realization cross her face that your child clearly has special needs of some kind.  You watch in awe as rather than awkwardly waving a quick goodbye she bends low so she's eye-level with him and really truly talks to him. And clearly in perfect Speech Therapist formation pronounces her name after he articulates his version of "naaaame?". All of which ,of course, causes your eyes to water. Because you are after all...a special needs mommy...



True story.



Which made this mommy’s sappy heart smile and I swore in my heart of hearts that I want to grow up and be beautiful just like the lady at Friendly’s…




1 comment:

The Blatchford Family said...

How wonderful! There truly are some great people in this world.