
peer modeling - homeschool style

What peer modeling (or inclusion) looks like homeschool style! 

Side-by-side timeline work with a friend who not only helps him learn, but desires his company after school hours too! She's upstairs watching MineCraft YouTubes with him as I type. 

I've decided to combine Bristel and Trevor's history this year as we learn about the Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations with Mystery of History. I don't dumb down the learning, but rather allow Trevor to absorb what he can, which is surprisingly more than one might imagine. He really loved beginning to build a timeline and just this afternoon he said, "Mom, me have great idea! Me draw all the characters from Mystery of History. Like Henry the 8th!" We haven't even covered Henry VIII in detail yet, but he found all the Henrys hilarious during the War of the Roses.

The concern most often raised by medical professionals is "what about peer models and socialization" regarding my choice to home educate Trev. As I soak in moments like these, I often find myself wishing I could have them just spend the day with us and see how rich his life is here at home. He's not lacking in the inclusion department...not even a little. If you ask Trevy, he has 2000 best friends now. 

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