
ride the rage wave...

One of the side effects of ACTH is extreme hunger. I don't think I've heard of even one child who has escaped this one...

Trevor...is already feeling the pangs. And was on an all day mission of grabbing anything edible within reach...

including Bristel's sippy cup.

Bristel is not inclined to share...and snatched it back quickly.

Now typically Trevy would fuss for a sec...and then move on to something else. He's better at the sharing than she.

But today was different. Today was ACTH day.

And so there he stood...24 lbs of steroid fury...sucked in a big breath...and proceeded to howl at the top of his lungs like a mini-Sasquatch!

again & again & again & again...

I'm not sure laughing was such a good idea. But the rest of us did anyway...


Mrs. M said...

lol...you've got to find moments of laughter in this wild world or it's beyond trying.
Poor little man! The outrage! Not sharing! Siblings!:)

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Poor little guy. i can just picture him standing there...almost "hulk" like screaming his mighty roar. Bless his heart. I probably would've found the humor in it too. Connor's hunger wasn't too terribly bad thankfully, but my word he looked like a big puff-a-lump when he was done!

Danielle said...

the laughing was the best part. And once he realized we thought it was funny...he just kept roaring...with a twinkle in his eye! lol Never has the hulk been cuter!

and monica...trevy's little cheeks are already puffing up! I've been taking daily pics...just haven't had a chance to post them yet. Maybe I'll post them after in one big beginning to end post?


Shanna Grimes said...

I can just picture him beating on the table, singing for his supper.

Poor baby puffy cheeks already :(