
staying organized

I'm a bit addicted to organization. I can spend hours re-arraigning drawers...closets...shelves. Just for the fun of it!

But for some reason...when it comes to all things medical...I seriously have a mental block! You know those cute little wallet sized immunization cards you get when you have a baby? I've had three chances to actually use them. Instead...I tend to lose them!

Every now and then I'll think to myself...

You really should do a better job keeping Trevy's records

But it's fleeting. And other than purchasing an over-sized three-ring binder...I haven't really tackled the job. Possibly because it feels so daunting. I'm not really sure where to start...what's important to have...how to ask for the information...what to expect when I get it?

So you don't think I'm a total slacker...


I have every single EI report filed in the binder.

And I did ask for a copy of Trevy's last (completed) MRI. Which came on a disk.

I also have several EEG reports. Although I've heard it mentioned that these too can be on disk? I only have the paper reports of the doctor's findings. And honestly...I hate asking...because it always feels like I'm hassling the crew. Ugh!

Until the topic came up in the yahoo forum...the thought to ask for the doctor's notes from our visits had never even crossed my mind!

I'm feeling very wet behind the ears on this one!

Soooooooo...any tips or advice? What's worked...flopped...etc...for you?



Shanna Grimes said...

I am using Life Record for my iphone, but I just bought it a couple weeks ago and I haven't faxed the stuff to Dr. Neuro and Dr. Pedi yet. It's pretty neat though.

Check it out:

Other than that, I keep all the paper records in a hard cover accordion. Javi is on #2 already, but Ethan and Kay only have one. I have the tabs set up like this:

Children's Hospital Records (Tests Results, Discharge Papers, etc)
Regional Center
Therapy Reports (PT,OT, Early Interventionist)

Don't feel bad about not having all the records filed. I have stacks paper clipped only separated by child that have been in my "In box" on my desk for a while. Hey, at least they are separated by child ;)

Mrs. M said...

wow...you put me to shame. Why have I never thought to ask for copies?!
I have a binder called My Family Jornal that is sectioned into Medical history, meds, seizure record, hospitalizations & tests, buisness cards, care team,& school info.
Good post....very informative & useful to learn options in this area.

Marissa's Dad said...

Scanned, saved as PDFs. Stored locally on the hard drive, and on a USB flashdrive if I need to do something.