
zoom zoom zoom...

Thanks Monica for the great article you posted!

"Because most doctors have specific time limits for each patient, it makes sense to maintain and organize your medical history in chronological order. Similar to a resume for employment, everyone should maintain a "Medzoome"(Medical-Resume) which serves the same purpose. At your next appointment, you and your doctor can review your detailed medical health history... read more "

Now I just need to hire someone to do mine!


Monica~ James~ Connor said...

I started it last night, and it is time consuming. may just be b/c i'm panicking about getting it done by Monday! that and it is just bumming me out looking at all of it.

Andi said...

I've got a copy of some of Emma's records. I need to get the rest. And then I plan on scanning them all (scans too) and then putting them on a tiny flash drive that I can carry around. Then if I ever need to pass it on to a doctor, I'll have it. And it'll be so small that I won't notice it. Of course, that means I have to remember my purse.

I'd have someone else scan them, but all the business charge $0.25 a page. That's a lot of money when you've got that many pages.

Good luck!

KC's Warrior Mama said...

Nice to see I am ahead of the game on something : ) Since day one I have kept a detailed medical history for KC, in chronological order including diagnoses, surgeries, hospitalizations and meds. I update it everytime something new happens and I bring it with to his appointments with a copy for the provider. I also have a three ring binder with all of the other documentation to go with it. Trust me, it sounds like a lot, but once you get the inital done, it's just a matter of updating when something happens. It will make your life a lot easier.


Danielle said...

Monica...crossing fingers that your appointment goes great! And that the new neuro is the right fit for Connor and you! (((hugs)))

Andi...that's an even better idea! Sheesh...I'm so techno-NOT-savvy! But I love having all Trev's scans n' stuff right on a flash drive! Sweeeet...


Holli said...

I have a three ring binder too for Austin's info. It started out as the folder I was given during our initial stay at the hospital, but we quickly grew out of it and there was absolutely no sense of order with it! I have color-coded dividers and folders for each specialist, pedi, therapist, etc. I even have a spiral notebook and pen for taking quick notes during phone calls and doctor visits. It took quite a while to organize and every so often I have to go through and re-organize (it's easy to just throw something in when you're in a time crunch!)...Now, I'm thinking I need extra folders just for meds and medical records!