
cloudy with a chance of cranky

A pattern has been emerging...

headache baby Pictures, Images and Photos

Every time it's rainy...which has been A LOT this Spring...

Trevy is super crank-alicious.

Miss. CNA speculated that maybe his incision (you know...from when his skull was hacked open to remove half his brain) throbs or aches (like her once injured shoulder does) when the weather shifts?

He really couldn't say.

::wry grin::

But it is of note that I popped a (non-recalled) dose of tylenol in him yesterday before his nap. He was VERY cranky all morning. But he woke up a different kid! Almost like the kid I renamed this blog for...

Maybe we're onto something here...

1 comment:

JSmith5780 said...

This falls into the category of we forget about the "normal" aches and pains that our kids can have. (OK so a huge scar from brain surgery isn't normal)

I am so happy that Austin can finally tell me he has a headache instead of me just trying to decipher his grumpiness/crying.